How can new technology solutions transform the business advocacy sector?

How can new technology solutions transform the business advocacy sector?

Technology is the transforming factor of the 21st century legal profession, enabling its classic profile for Economy 4.0. Intensive knowledge, transversal creativity and innovative services reflect the high differentiation capacity in the knowledge economy era. 

Cyber-security, Fintech, data protection, blockchain contracts are no longer typical matters for niche clients – the so-called challenges of the future. They now anchor the connection of business law with a new client profile, innovative entities that require multidisciplinary knowledge and vision in various fields – startups, energy, telecommunications and many others. 

The legal practice can only benefit from being allied to technology and, specially, the business law practice, will be able to be ever closer to the Client. Collaboration tools between lawyer and client such as the remote office without limitations, task and file sharing and the definition of workflows to guarantee greater efficiency make the lawyer a true partner: easily available, capable of providing a high performance service and in a safe manner.  

Incorporating technological solutions into business law practice grants your lawyers the opportunity to understand how technology works in practice and potential risks, adopt new concepts such as robotics or artificial intelligence, ever so far ahead of the legislature or regulation. 

It is not enough to advise clients on negotiating technology-related contracts, you need to live the experience in the first person and maximise the use of technology to understand it because the future is now. 

Catarina de Novais
Jurist and Executive Business Developer


(2022, May 27th) “De que forma as novas soluções tecnológicas vão revolucionar a advocacia?” in